Cell search

(Choose cell markers associated with cancer)



      Marker search
      Cell Marker
      Cell Marker
      Gene alias: CD133
      Gene symbol: PROM1
      Gene ID: 8842
      Quick search
      Hot words
      Gene alias: CD133
      Cell name: Central memory CD4+ T cell
      Tissue: Heart
      Cell Search module
      You can search cell markers by choosing species, tissue type and cell type. Click the "cancer" box to query cell markers associated with cancer.
      Marker Search module
      You can search the database by choosing species and a specific cell marker. The cell marker can be searched using gene symbol, Entrez gene ID or Uniprot protein symbol.
      Quick Search module
      You can search cell markers by inputting cell name, cell marker name,or tissue name of interest.
      2020,CopyRight HMU. College of Bioinformatics Science and Technology, Harbin, China.